Video Games as Art

Video Games Are a Form of Art | S3:E8

Daniel A. Kaufmann, Ph.D
Dr. Gameology on Twitch & The Gaming Persona Podcast
Owner of Area of Effect Counseling
Director of Gaming Services at Kindbridge BH

The Gaming Persona explores the question of whether or not video games are art.

Many have argued that video games are nothing more than time-wasting entertainment, however, when it comes to their artistic value the evidence proves otherwise. Video games offer so much more than mindless distraction; they can be powerful tools for self-expression and growth. From the stunning graphics and immersive soundtracks to character development and narrative storytelling, video game developers prove with every release how diverse forms of artistry can be expressed through video gaming. In this podcast episode, we will explore why these digital quests should not be overlooked as an amazing medium for art.

Download & Listen to the Video Games as Art episode of The Gaming Persona Here:

Gaming Library:

Castlevania, Metroid, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, Star Wars: The Old Republic, God of War Ragnarök, Journey, Pokémon, Assassin’s Creed, Grand Theft Auto, Asura’s Wrath, Death Stranding, Sea of Thieves

Transcript Coming Soon

Dr. Gameology Logo 2023

Important Links


Gee, J. P. (2006). Why game studies now? Video games: A new art form. Games and culture, 1(1), 58-61.

Gilyard, A. (2017). A Dissection of Video Games as a medium of Art: The Utilization of Aesthetics and the Effectiveness of Video Games as a Tool in Curriculum. 

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